It is important for people to recognize that there are
many different kinds of love. We love our family, friends and sweet hearts, but there is
another special kind of love we have for our animal companions.
Most everyone, at some time has been hurt by someone
they love. But you never hear of someone being hurt for loving an animal companion, unless
you are talking about the hurt we all feel when our companions leave this world before
we do.

Whenever we go away, even for a few minutes, our pets
eagerly greet us with meows or vigorous tail wagging. Even smaller pets find ways of
showing how happy they are we came back to them.
They always seem to know what makes us laugh, and when nobody else thinks
our jokes are funny, there they sit wagging their tail.
But the greatest gift our pets give us is their pure unconditional love. They
don't care if we are poor or rich, overweight, bald headed or hunchbacked, we are their
King, their Queen, their EVERYTHING. That is why we only want the very best of everything
for them.
